Friday, April 12, 2019

How To Hack Mobile Network And Listen To Calls / Read SMS Launch An SS7 Attack Now.

Before you start reading or asking questions you can download the manual here. you will need it to understand.
All you need to hack someone’s phone and listen to the call is his phone number, this seemed to be impossible in the past, something that you would only see in movies? well not anymore, I will teach you how to do it, and how to do it quick, but I don’t promise you that it will be easy as you might think, you will need to study and follow the steps accordingly.
Signalling System No 7 was first developed in 1975 Most networks use protocols defined by the American National Standards Institute and the European Telecommunications Standards Institute.
SS7 is the protocol that allow mobile phones to communicate and exchange information needed to place calls or send sms.
Thanks to a vulnerability in SS7 you can now tape in, the method is called SS7 poisoning and it’s not really hard if you have basic understanding of how to exploit things, but since you are reading this I would assume you are at least a hacker within, if you don’t understand what I am going to explain or can’t do it, don’t give up, keep on trying.
This is the system fault until they fix it, it’s always good to learn how things works, but if you are going to use this for the purpose of spying on other people or doing illegal stuff it’s your own responsibility, I am sharing this for knowledge purposes and for educational purposes only.
This post might be the only ss7 hack tutorial you will ever find anywhere on the web, you can leave a comment if you find it useful and please share with your friends to make this a common knowledge and teach people how to prevent it or at least detect it.
You can also use SS7 mobile hack to hack and hijack whatsapp, instagram, facebook etc.

First download the SS7 hacking tools

You will need a program called SS7 analyzer from here.
this program will help you simulate the roaming network that your victim is going to join.

What do you need to know about SS7

You need to read the information on this PDF file and understand it carefully, especially signalling system 7 section, if you have no idea about how cellular network works you better go read more about it and come back here.

Example hacks of whatsapp

As you can see the hacker is running SS7 exploit tool and simulating a network at the same time, than he will force the user to join the roaming network, the SMS will than be forwarded from the victim phone to the hacker phone and used to activate whatapp, allowing the hacker to write and read future messages, and also download previous whatsapp messages if the victim have auto messages backup, so please disable it now, for your information only, the victim phone doesn’t need to be connected to the internet for this to happen, but you also need to be in range, this cannot happen overseas or in different networks, and no you can’t do this with only a pc, you will need something else that I will speak of later.
The rest of the explanation is in our android hackers closed grouphad to be removed for complains of authority, available for the public the following tutorials, if you want an easy 1 2 3 guide you will need to join android hackers group and provide a request from your college, high school etc in message to me to prove that you are doing this for research, it’s free of charge I am not selling books or need your money, sorry for this.

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